I've been busy as of late freelancin' away and spending some quality time with my family! It's a little overwhelming to be self-employed after almost a year of working full-time, but I plan on making the most of it, beefing up my skills and starting some projects of my own if I can.
Here's something I've been working on for Little Fireface Project, the slow loris conservation group that I mentioned in an earlier post. They're putting together a children's book to educate young kids about lorises and the part they play in their native ecosystem, and I'll be illustrating it! The plight of the lorises is something I've grown to care a lot about, so I'm pleased that I get to help out these animals in my own way.

Follow Little Fireface on facebook to keep tabs on their efforts (book included)! They are an amazingly dedicated diverse group of people and are doing great things for these cool little primates.